About Disinfo Radar
Today, as in the past, disinformation threatens to undermine faith in electoral processes, solidarity among social groups and even the notion of the truth itself. But the tactics and tools weaponised to do so are becoming increasingly more subtle and sophisticated, requiring democratic policymakers and stakeholders to become more proactive to anticipate worrying trends.
Disinfo Radar anticipates the disinformation toolkit of tomorrow to strengthen democratic societies’ preparedness for the challenges ahead. The project is developed by Democracy Reporting International and is funded by the German Federal Foreign Office.
Disinfo Radar examines three core pillars of disinformation: Emerging technological tools used to produce disinformation; new tactics for propagating manipulated content; and those untold stories harnessing these tools and tactics to frame false narratives.

Democracy Reporting International (DRI) is an independent organisation dedicated to promoting democracy worldwide. We believe that people are active participants in public life, not subjects of their governments. Our work centres on analysis, reporting, and capacity building. For this, we are guided by the democratic and human rights obligations enshrined in international law. Headquartered in Berlin, DRI has offices in Lebanon, Libya, Myanmar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Tunisia and Ukraine.